How To Overcome Stress And Grow Stronger As A Result

How To Overcome Stress And Grow Stronger As A Result
Photo by Jared Rice / Unsplash

Stress has become a social phenomenon that affects our lives in a positive or negative manner. Stress can come from different sources, but the three main factors are financial, relationship, and work/school-related problems.

If we overcome stress, we overcome a psychological intertwining of the mind and body. The way to overcome stress is to focus on the "good" things in life no matter how small they may seem.

Regardless of how much or little stress you're experiencing, you should always increase your stress resilience. If you're under constant stress, improving your stress resilience is critical.  Here are some stress-relieving techniques.

  1. Practice Gratitude

There's a lot of evidence that practicing thankfulness has numerous advantages. According to a 2016 research published in Psychotherapy Research, gratitude can help with stress, anxiety, and depression. The study included 300 mostly college students who were seeking mental health therapy on campus for depression or anxiety.

A group of participants was divided into three groups. One group had to write a letter of gratitude. Another group was tasked with describing their unhappy life events in writing. The third control group was free to carry on as normal. All groups received therapy. The group that was asked to write gratitude letters had significantly better mental health than the other groups, according to the research.

Gratitude is a wonderful way to generate positive feelings. As you can see, gratefulness has long-term effects. However, as with all of the strategies, consistency is crucial. Consider three things to be thankful for when you wake up. This will help you in gaining a more broad perspective on the world.

Set aside a few minutes at the end of each day to appreciate and be grateful for what you have. At night, make a list of three things for which you are thankful that day.

2. Find Reasons to Laugh

Laughter and a sense of humor can provide several health benefits, according on a 2009 paper in the Canadian Family Physician. It may help to decrease stress and pain levels. It has a positive influence on your emotions.

We all enjoy laughing, and it makes us feel better. Find someone to laugh with. Learn from your children since they are constantly happy and amused. Even if life is hard, find funny movies or games to brighten your day.

3. Regular Movement and Exercise

Regular exercise is beneficial for improving your mental health and reducing stress, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Moderate exercise and movement help you feel less stressed, happier, and less anxious.

Start your day with a few minutes of stretching and yoga, followed by some rebounding and perhaps a short walk around the block. While you're at work, take the stairs instead of the elevator, stroll through the park during your lunch break.

At least five times a week, do 20 to 30 minutes of low-impact exercise, such as yoga or Pilates, or Barre workouts. High-intensity interval exercising (HIIT) are a fantastic combination of cardio and strength exercises.

4. Prioritize Good Sleep

Adults who sleep less than 8 hours have higher stress levels than those who sleep fewer than that, according to the American Psychological Association. Sleep lowers your stress and aids in relaxation and healing.

Get at least seven to nine hours of restful sleep each night. Make a point of waking up and going to bed at the same time every day. Avoid using electronics, eating, and caffeine 3 hours before bed.

Relaxation techniques, such as meditation, prayer, stretching, journaling, and gratitude are all good bedtime rituals. Create a relaxing haven in your room with a comfortable bedding, salt lamp, candles or essential oils , and spiritual books that you enjoy.

5. Encourage & Serve Others

The 2013 study in the American Journal of Public Health on 846 people who experienced a traumatic event discovered that those who volunteered and assisted others had reduced stress and mortality one year later than those who did not.

It is important to be a good influence in your friends and family's lives. Give back to the community by serving others. Seek out volunteer opportunities that will allow you to assist individuals in need. Make a difference by serving others with your talents. Be a source of optimism and encouragement through your words.

6. Listen to Classical, Worship, or Inspirational Music

Classical music may help to decrease anxiety and pain during biopsies, according to a 2012 study published in the Journal of Surgical Oncology.  Many individuals find that classical music helps to lower their blood pressure levels.

Music may be very therapeutic. It can relieve tension, anxiety, and sadness. However, it's crucial that you keep an eye on the type of music you're listening to. It should be uplifting for it to have a beneficial impact.

As a method to enhance stress resilience, you might want to listen to classical music, religious music, and motivational music. My family and I enjoy listening to classical music and Christian worship on a regular basis.

7. Positive Visualization

Meditation practice, which involves slowing your breath and focusing your thoughts inwardly on yourself rather than on stressful situations that happened in the past or might happen in the future. Meditation has been shown scientifically to reduce stress levels.  Visualization promotes mindfulness and balance between mind and body.

Study also reported that increased stress resilience was associated with enhanced visual function. According to a 2018 Frontiers Psychology research, nature-based guided imagery or meditation can help with anxiety.  Visualization can lower stress, anxiety, blood pressure, headaches, and pain.

To better cope with stress, use guided imagery may be helpful.  You may also practice mental or physical image creation on your own. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to focus on the mental or bodily condition you desire and the goal you wish to achieve.

Stress is a normal part of life. It impacts everything from our blood pressure to our ability to focus at school or work. However, it does have the potential to cause us harm if left unchecked.

There are many ways you can overcome stress and grow stronger as a result. Some great ways to overcome stress and become better include: practice gratitude, find ways to laugh, exercise, listen to inspirational music, prioritize sleep, meditaion or visualization practice, encourage and serve others.

Chronic stress can damage your entire body, particularly your respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, nervous, reproductive, and endocrine systems. It also has an impact on your relationships, social life, career success, financial health, and general happiness.  Follow these stress resilience techniques  to become more resilient to stress and improve your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.
