Protect Your Health: The Secrets to Avoid Environmental Toxins and Live Healthier

Learn about environmental toxins and how to protect yourself and your family from dangerous pollutants in the air, water, and soil.

Environmental Toxins

We live in conditions far from ideal, food and water contamination is the biggest threat in our lives. But the danger isn't just that, consumer products are also full of toxic chemicals. And all these substances, once they enter our bodies, they remain there for a long time.

Have you ever wondered what your shower shampoo and the veggies in your fridge have in common? Well, they both keep your skin glowing but can also be sources of nasty toxins that can cause havoc!

Everyday toxins could trigger a wide range of acute health problems. However, the buildup of these environmental toxins can also, over time damage your DNA, degrade brain function, and disrupt your hormones. It’s important to pay attention to the toxic chemicals you’ve been exposed to in your daily life.

Reduce Your Chemical Body Burden

You don't need to avoid all the chemicals found in the modern environment. It is helpful to use common sense when shopping. Making changes to your diet and home environment may help prevent health issues. But it’s also important to reduce the negative effects of toxins already present in your system. The following nutrients can help:

Berberine is a powerful anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant—can help protect your brain from heavy metals and the ensuing formation of beta-amyloid plaques, which are hallmarks of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Preliminary studies suggest that berberine may help prevent cognitive decline and Alzheimer‘s disease. To get the best results, look for a berberine HCL supplement derived from the root bark of the Indian barberry plant (Berberis aristata).

Curcumin is a powerful protector against environmental toxicity, largely due to its antioxidant capabilities. Studies have shown that curcumin, a compound derived from the turmeric root, can protect the brain, kidney, and liver from heavy metals.

Other research has shown that curcumin may be able to protect against phthalates, particularly in the kidneys and the testes. It also protects against metabolic damage from Bisphenol A (BPA) exposure.

A study also suggests that curcumin may help protect against pesticide-induced damage to the brain. To ensure this protection against cancer, look at the label for BCM- 95 curcumin, a standardized, bio-available form of Curcuma that provides optimal absorption.

Glutathione is often referred to as the “master antioxidant.” It protects the body from DNA damage-causing free radicals. It can also recycle vitamin C and E. As you get older, your body produces less glutathione.  And that’s a problem because studies have shown that exposure to VOCs and heavy metals can quickly deplete your glutathione supplies.

Fortunately, research suggests taking a liposomal glutathione (GSH) supplement can restore your levels and help protect DNA from environmental toxins.  A clinicians journal also reports that glutathione (GSH) transports mercury out of cells. But if you want to maximize the benefits of your supplement, be sure to take reduced glutathione, which contains the active form of this important nutrient.

Probiotics are essential for maintaining good gut health, especially when exposed to chemical contaminants. Regular exposure to these toxins—particularly heavy metals, pesticides, VOCs, and phthalates—can disrupt your microbiome.

According to recent studies, some of the bacteria, known as dysbiosis, can cause cancer in your colon, ruin your digestion and metabolism, mess up your brain waves and even increase the likelihood of heart issues, liver problems, diabetes and weight gain.

However, other studies suggest that taking a high-quality probiotic supplement can counteract dysbiosis and may even help protect against future heavy-metal contamination. To get the most benefits from probiotics, look for one that contains at least 20 billion live active bacteria, including Lactobacillus plantaris, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidum.

Where Do Toxins Come From?

Fat loves to stick to toxins. Gluten is the most toxic for most people, followed by GMOs, synthetic sugar, antibiotics, peanuts, and animal fats, then unhealthy foods with high glycation (or glycation), and finally foods with high glycation and gluten.

Toxins enter our bodies through air, alcohol, radiation, electromagnetic waves, heavy metal, pesticides, herbicides, and of course, second-hand smoke, gas, and residue from factories, etc.,

Toxins are so bad because they cause disease. Apart from the obvious reasons, toxins cause the mitochondria, also called the powerhouse of the cell to become poisonous, thus preventing our bodies from producing energy. They also cause oxidative damage and several other types of imbalance in our bodies.

Healthy Foods

A key factor to consider is eating a healthy diet and how you prepare your meals. Grilling is better than frying, and streaming is better than grilling. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are created at high temperatures such as roasting or frying. They subsequently lead to high blood pressure and raised sugar levels.


You need to be careful about which cookware you use. Cast iron, glass, and stainless steel are ideal cooking materials. Non-stick Teflon is a synthetic chemical that has no health benefits for your body.

Stay Active

Keep your bodies more active by engaging in physical activities. Choose a lifestyle that involves less sitting and more physical activity.

The Chemical Factors

There are around 84 million chemicals routinely used in agriculture to produce the products we use every day. Despite growing evidence that many of the chemicals in our environment may be dangerous, only one percent of them have been studied for safety. Chemicals are substances that are consumed, inhaled, or absorbed by the body. They can wreak havoc on your cells and be stored in your body fat.

According to the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, the average person carries at least 212 harmful chemicals inside them. Here are the types that pose a particular threat to both human health and the environ­ment.

Heavy Metals

Some metals, like copper, magnesium, manganese, and zinc, are essential to good health. Other metals, including arsenic, cadmium, and lead, have been linked to heart disease, neurological problems, respiratory illnesses, and more. Heavy metals can be inhaled, consumed through foods and drinks, and absorbed into the body through personal care products.

Arsenic, a chemical element, has been linked to lower blood pressure, as well a higher risk of some types of cancer and brain, heart, lung, and skin conditions. Cadmium, a carcinogen, may cause kidney, lung, and bone damage.

Lead is still used in some cosmetics and toys, even though it’s no longer used in gasoline and paint. Long-term exposure to high levels of lead may cause anemia, kidney damage, and muscle weakness, as well as reproductive and neurological problems, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Mercury poisoning can cause impaired kidney function, digestive problems, fatigue, depression, and memory issues.


Most of the food we eat has pesticide residues. Green spaces and backyards are also sources of these harmful agricultural chemicals, including pesticides. Pesticides are often stored in fat cells and may lead to cancer, neurological problems, or hormonal disruption.

They're also called "obesogens," which are chemicals that can cause unwanted weight gain. One of the worst culprits is chlorpyrifos, an insecticide that causes brain damage and possibly autism in children.

According to researchers at the University of Southern Denmark, no level of exposure is safe. Glyphosate is another widely used pesticide. It's one of the most toxic pesticides in use today. Exposures can increase the risk of cancers, as well as liver or kidney damage. It’s both an endocrine disruptor and may affect fertility and reproductive health.


It’s impossible to imagine life without plastic! Even though toys, food containers, or cosmetics may contain chemicals that can harm your health, they're not necessarily bad for you. BPA mimics estrogen and can interfere with normal hormonal function.

There is also evidence suggesting that BPA may be linked to type 2 diabetes and/or obesity. Some manufacturers have replaced BPA with bisphenol S, which some reviews note may be even more toxic than BPA.

Phthalates are chemicals that are added to plastics to make them softer and more flexible. Studies have shown that phthalates affect how male reproductive organs develop, increasing the risk of neurological problems, obesity, and type 2 Diabetes.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

VOCs like benzene and formaldehyde are deadly chemicals that are emitted into our homes and offices every day. VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) can cause brain fog, headaches, dizziness, or nausea. Long-term exposure to low levels of VOC can lead to cancer, worsen asthma and respiratory problems, and may cause hormonal disruption.

Common Water Pollutants

Drinking water contaminants include microorganisms, nitrates, and arsenic. Over the past 5 years, water quality monitoring has improved. Bacteria, viruses, and protozoa (like Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium), are drinking water contaminants that cause rapid and widespread illness.

It's also a significant contributor to the pollution of estuaries and ground water. Every time it rains, fertilizers, pesticides, and animal waste wash into our water supply. Water filtration is the first step to protect your family from toxins on daily basis, whether it's for drinking, showering, or cooking.

How To Get Rid of Toxins

Even if toxin seem inevitable, they can be expelled through essential nutrients and minerals, such as iron, magnesium, selenium, and calcium since these minerals can bind to toxins.  Minerals and vitamins provide some protection against bacteria or toxic chemicals by binding to them so that they can't get into our system.
