Best Mouthwash for Periodontal Disease Relief

If you're suffering from periodontal disease, the right mouthwash might be able to provide relief as it can remove bacteria, tartar and plague.

Best Mouthwash for Periodontal Disease

The most common causes of periodontal disease are inflammation and bacteria. These two factors can be combated by a mouthwash that contains anti-inflammatory properties and is also bactericidal. Mouthwashes with antibacterial properties may be used as prevention against the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity.

Periodontal disease is a common condition that affects the gum and bone supporting tissues around the teeth, causing inflammation and infection. It is caused by bacteria that feed on food debris that is left on the teeth. The bacteria produces toxins which irritate the gums and cause them to swell and bleed. In addition to discomfort, gum disease can lead to tooth loss if untreated. This condition is largely preventable by good oral hygiene, but it can also be treated effectively with antimicrobial mouthwashes.

Some of the most common symptoms of periodontal disease are:

  • Swelling of gums that is red, inflamed and painful
  • Loss of teeth due to bacterial invasion into the bone supporting tissues of the jawbone

Periodontal disease can be caused by poor oral hygiene, genetics, plaque accumulation on teeth, smoking and genetics.

The best way to prevent periodontal disease is by brushing your teeth and flossing twice a day. Regular cleaning helps remove bacteria from between the gums and teeth and also removes plaque.

Gum disease is a condition in which the supporting gum tissue is damaged by bacteria. It can cause pain, sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks, bleeding after brushing or flossing teeth, bad breath and halitosis, tooth decay, recession of the gums .

Non Toxic Mouthwash for Periodontal Disease

Mouthwash is an effective way to prevent cavities, periodontal disease and tooth decay. It is important to use a mouthwash that targets bacteria that cause periodontal disease. Mouthwashes that contain essential oils, herbal extracts are all effective at preventing the progression of periodontal disease. Mouthwash can also help fight bad breath. Some people also recommend using mouthwash with essential oils like cinnamon and peppermint.

Flouride mouthwash is toxic to the human body, and can cause serious side effects, including: damage to the salivary glands, the stomach, and the kidneys. The EPA states that flouride is a neurotoxin and a developmental toxin. People who use flouride mouthwash are at a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and may worsen their symptoms. .

Dentist's use of flouride is also strongly discouraged due to the risks of side effects. A single dentist's practice may use 1-2 tons of flouride per year and a dentist's office can produce 5,000 pounds of waste in one year.

There are alternatives to flouride mouthwash such as cinnamon oil which can be mixed with water or juice and used as an effective rinse. It has been shown that cinnamon oils inhibit bacterial growth in the mouth, reduce plaque and gingivitis, and increase the levels of protective mucous in your mouth.

Mouthwash with alcohol can be a good choice for people who have gum inflammation. Alcohol is an astringent and can help reduce swelling and pain in the gums. This type of mouthwash will also kill the bacteria that cause gum inflammation. The best mouthwash for people who have gum inflammation is one with a low alcohol content. and a gentle astringent like chlorhexidine gluconate or hydrogen peroxide.

Adverse Effects of Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a serious oral condition that can affect not only your teeth but also other parts of the body. While many people think of the mouth as the only part of the body that is directly affected by gum disease, it's important to realize that it can have lasting effects on other parts of the body as well. When periodontal disease affects the gums, it can cause inflammation, swelling, and also pain in other areas of the body, such as the jawbone.

Additionally, gum disease can increase your risk for other serious health conditions , such as heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, heart failure, stroke, and diabetes. The good news is that there are many treatments available to significantly reduce the risk of further damage and infection.

In general, treatment for gum disease typically involves both a deep cleaning and scaling of the teeth with an instrument called a curette or scaler every six months. This removes plaque from your teeth that can prevent gum disease and periodontal disease.

Final Thought on Mouthwash for Periodontal Disease

It is important that you brush your teeth before going to bed. This helps with tooth decay, the build-up of plaque and the reduction of tartar on your teeth. If done properly, brushing can reduce tooth sensitivity, protect against cavities and gum loss.

Many people are not aware that the use of mouthwash for periodontal disease has many benefits such as reducing the risks of gum disease, healing of wounds, and reducing inflammation in the gums. These benefits make it important for people to use mouthwash regularly to keep their teeth healthy.
