Best Bottles for Breastfed Babies That Will Help Make Bottle Feeding Just A Tad Bit Easier
Baby bottles are designed to have multiple sizes of bottle teats and an air ventilation system to prevent air bubbles and reduce colic.
Breastfeeding is a natural way to help your baby grow. It can provide emotional, physical, and developmental benefits, and many parents find it provides them with a sense of closeness.
For many breastfeeding moms, going back to work, catching up on some much-needed sleep, or simply wanting a night out with their husbands are just a few reasons why you may have to be away from your little one for several hours at a time.
Babies need to be fed and you want peace of mind knowing that your baby can manage with or without you. And so, bottle-feeding a baby is one less thing for you to worry about. We've rounded up the best baby bottle for breastfed babies to help your babies transition from breast to bottle.
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The Comotomo baby bottle is designed to mimic the natural breast and flow of breastfeeding. The wide-mouth bottle makes it easy to clean. Nipple and body are made of 100% safe and hygienic medical-grade silicone. They reduce colic, prevent air intake, and can handle a maximum temperature of 180 degrees Celsius when boiling. It is safe to use with boiling water, sterilizing agents, and even the dishwasher. 5oz bottles are available in both standard and slow-flow nipples.
Best For Transition Between Breast to Bottle
Lansinoh Baby Bottle's NaturalWave nipples have been clinically tested and may help reduce nipple confusion in breastfed babies. The bottles feature flexible silicone nipples with a simplified nipple design that replicates natural feeding movements to provide an experience similar to breastfeeding.
The Lansinoh Baby Bottle has a capacity of 5oz making it suitable for newborns. These bottles are designed to be compatible with pacifiers, facilitating the transition to breastfeeding. This product features a built-in venting system for reducing air intake and colic-causing gas, as well as an inner vertical groove on the nipple to prevent collapse.
If you are breastfeeding, it may be necessary to pump occasionally. It is common to spend more time than desired on transferring expressed milk, washing storage containers, and bottle washing.
The Nanobebe baby bottle has revolutionized the way of providing nourishment to babies most wisely and naturally. This award-winning innovation allows you to pump milk straight into a bottle, enabling the efficient and natural transfer of nutrients to your baby.
Many nursing parents have provided positive feedback on Nanobebe's silicone bottle, praising the touch and feel of this bottle looks like an actual breast. Nanabebe breastmilk bottles come with a nipple to imitate natural elasticity, an anti-colic valve for ease of use, and an optimized latch for your breastfeeding baby.
Loved by breastfeeding parents, babies, and lactation consultants alike, Dr. Brown's natural flow anti-colic vents bottles are a widely-used solution for breastfeeding.
The design of these bottles permits air flow during feeding, providing greater safety than standard bottles and reducing colic and spit-up for the baby. The bottle comes with silicone nipples that offer a consistent flow of milk for your baby to drink at their rate.
Dr. Brown's baby bottle features an ergonomic design, a gradual slope from base to tip, a breast-like nipple shape, and anti-colic features that help to preserve the nutrients of breast milk, as well as help babies have a more restful sleep. Feeding should be efficient, with a proper latch and gradual transition between breast or bottle.
Philips AVENT Natural Bottles are designed to minimize colic, gas, and reflux by minimizing air expulsion. The anti-colic venting ensures that the nipple is filled with milk, facilitating feeding even when in an upright position. This product is suitable for babies gums and teeth and easy to clean, with few components. Philips AVENT's Nipple and Flows 1 bottle is made with BPA-free plastic.
Best Nipple for Breastfed Babies
Breastfeeding may be challenging for some infants, but there are techniques to make it easier. The Pigeon nipple is a popular choice among mothers who have tried multiple bottles without success. This nipple has the size, shape, and feel to provide breast milk for your baby.
The Pigeon brand bottle nipples are compatible with Lansinoh Momma bottle nipples. The bottle has a narrow neck and a wide base, which is ideal for breastfeeding infants. The nipple of this bottle is constructed to remain securely attached, unlike other nipples which collapse. Its flow is suitable for bottle-feeding babies.
When to Introduce a Bottle to a Breastfed Baby
Introducing a bottle is suggested to begin around 3 to 6 weeks. Babies have an instinctive need to suck on anything they can find in their mouths. Nursing helps to support oral motor development, but babies who are exclusively nursed may not develop the sucking skills necessary for bottle-feeding.
Which Bottle Is Best for Breastfed Babies?
The perfect bottle for your baby is the one that suits her best. It's better to choose one of a few different bottle brands rather than buying a set of one particular brand. If you find a bottle that a picky baby likes, you will need to use that particular bottle.
When mimicking breastfeeding, elements such as bottle shape, feel and texture are important. When selecting a bottle, prioritize bottles with nipple flow rates and varying flow speeds instead of focusing on nipple shape.
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of bottle is a breastfeeding-friendly bottle?
Slow-flow nipples can replicate the natural flow of milk to meet the nutritional needs of breastfed infants. It facilitates babies latching on while they are breast or bottle-feeding, helping to ensure they receive adequate nutrition. Wide-necked nipples are a style preference and not all babies have difficulty with them.
Should breastfed babies use bottles?
If you're exclusively breastfed and wish to prolong the duration of this method, introducing a bottle may require approximately 4 weeks for adaptation.
Is there a difference between breast milk bottles and formula bottles?
The baby formula does not contain the same antibodies found in breast milk and does not offer the same kind of protection. There are substances added to a formula that are not as easily absorbed by babies as breast milk and they also don't offer the same level of protection against illness.
How do I introduce my breastfed baby to the bottle?
Gently tickle the baby's mouth to stimulate opening their mouth wide enough for a proper latch, then place the bottle nipple toward their palate. It has been suggested that draping a t-shirt on your arm or chest may allow babies to smell the parent's scent.
How often should I be pumping?
It is recommended that mothers pump 2–3 times per day to maintain their milk supply. They adjust the amount of milk for their child as needed throughout the day.
Are breastfed babies more attached to their mothers?
Breastfeeding provides the best nutrition for infants and is important for their developing brains. Having been breastfed myself as a baby, I can attest to how important it is to bond with your baby.
What is the recommended length of time to breastfeed?
It is advised to exclusively breastfeed during the first 6 months, followed by a combination of breastfeeding and appropriate complementary foods up to 2 years of age or beyond.
Can you combine breast milk and formula?
It may take several weeks of practice for both baby and mom to become comfortable with breastfeeding. It is possible to combine breastfeeding with a bottle or formula feeding, often referred to as mixed feeding.
How many baby bottles do I need if breastfeeding?
A limited number of bottles is sufficient. Generally, one to four bottles per day are enough for moms, but having additional bottles ready is advisable if more are needed.
Do you feed the baby before or after the bottle?
Some babies experience difficulty when transitioning to solid foods. It is recommended to begin with milk-based feedings and then gradually introduce solids around six months or later.